Saturday, July 7, 2012

Peppermint in my Alfredo?

 This manicure combination was a happy surprise, and has ended up being one of my favoutite layering combinations.  I started with MAC Peppermint Patti.  I know that this polish is old news, but it still means a  lot to me.  It was my first MAC nail polish, and I payed the scalpers on ebay a pretty penny for it.  I still love it even if it looks horrible on my skin tone.
 I topped the PP with a light coat of MAC Al Fredo leaving my accent nails plain.  I like the color in the bottle, but it is so sheer that it definitely needed something under it.  I have no idea why I chose this combination, but for some reason I did.  In the end it created this really pretty green, I can't really put a finger on what to call it though,
 Outside you can see that the Al Fredo was a little patchy, but honestly I didn't care.  I liked the combination enough to deal with it and I knew that another coat would ruin the gorgeous color I'd found.
Here is my elusive right hand, and in the shade.  The yellow tones are even stronger this way and still amazing in every light.  I will have to revisit this one when I have more time and patience to try and get a nice, even look on every nail!

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