Thursday, June 14, 2012

You have a magnetic Attraction

 I was apparently feeling magnetic in March so I have another of the China Glaze Magnetix to show you.  This time it's Attraction, which is the black/gray shimmer.  I still need a lot of practice with the magnet, but this time they definitely came out better than my first attempt.
 Look at my poor little pinkie nub!  I must have smashed it at work, since I don't remember it being this short in a long while.
 I love the placement I got on the thumb.  It looked like a sun ray or something.  Very cool.
Out in the sun the magnet effect really stood out!  I have to say, the designs seem to show up better on camera than they do the the bare eye.  Is that just me, or have others found that as well?  Either way, I really like the magnet trend and I'm definitely keeping an eye out for the Nabi line.  I really want to try a few of those.

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