Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cling on to my Magnet

After a slight hiatus due to some family matters I am happy to be back with one of my most anticipated polishes.  As soon as the magnet trend started and China Glaze announced their collection, I knew I had to own the color Cling On.  Not only is it a gorgeous olive green, but it also has a name geeky enough to make my inner nerd smile.  I will admit, I was never really a huge Star Trek fan, but I can still appreciate everything it has done for sci-fi and geekdom.

 Every time I think of a Klingon all I can think of is my Uncle Brian.  One Halloween, years ago, he had a professional makeup and effects artist turn him into a Klingon.  He came by my house and effictively scared the crap out of me.  In hindsight, that is probably why I am not a huge fan of Star Trek.  It is also possibly where my fascination with theatrical cosmetics was born, even though I wouldn't want to admit it.
I definitely have some work to do on practicing my magnet holding skills, but otherwise the polish was pretty easy.  Consistancy in my coats was definitely a set back, since you can see which fingers I had a lighter hand with (they are much lighter).  Also, I really need to stop being lazy and crop my pictures.  They are getting annoying to me, and I am sure that if they are bothering me they have long since started bothering you guys!

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