Thursday, June 7, 2012

That's the Diamond Life

First off, can I just say I love the name of this polish? It reminds me of a song by one of my favourite bands Unsearchable Riches called That's the Life.  The only video I could find isn't great quality, but it's a great song from a wonderful local band and I had to share:

This video was from '07, and they have definitely changed quite a bit since then.  I met them through West River, a local United Methodist retreat that I used to spend my summers at.  I wish I had kept in touch with them, because it would definitely be cool to be able to say that I know the band personally. Now that I have bombarded you with my love for Christian Pop, on to the polish.
This is NARS Diamond Life, and is /yet another/ lilac foil.  This is probably the closest to my old favourite that I have found yet, and was definitely worth the purchase.  It went on in one easy coat and had fantastic wear.
 I had a heck of a time photographing this polish, and every picture is pretty blurry because the metallic finish was killing my poor Canon.  I added dots from my Glitter Gal Holographic Purple, just because I was bored and wanted to see if the holo would translate to little dots.  Sadly, it did not show nearly as strong as I was hoping, but it still looked pretty neat.
This has probably become one of my top ten nail polishes and has given me an incredible urge to try more NARS polish.  If their formula is like this for every color they could easily outrun Orly in the race to be my favourite brand.  I promise I will give the full explanation for my abundance of lilac foil polishes very soon, I just have to photograph everything first and that is a daunting task!

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