Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Tart with a Bon Bon for a Heart.

 Here is one of my favourite manicures I have ever done.  I started with two coats of Orly Bon Bon.  Then on the accent nails I did one coat of Butter London Tart with a Heart.  I finally topped those accents off with another coat of Bon Bon to make a gorgeous glitter sandwich!
 I apologise for having eight million pictures of this, but it was too gorgeous to ignore.
 I love how the glitter particles take on a milky, muted shimmer.
 And here it is inside, still gorgeous!
 I really couldn't stop taking pictures of this manicure.  When I wasn't taking pictures I was staring at it.
Whew!  We've reached the end!  But I couldn't bear to take it off, so a few days later I added a little crack to it.  I'll post that one on Tuesday so you can see how gorgeous that turned out.

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