Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Reclaim my nails!

And to balance a rather negative post with a positive one I have for you Nubar Reclaim.  This is by far one of my favourite polishes to wear.  Anything green immediately captures my interest anyway, but add to it a strong linear holo and I am sold.
When I bought this I got it in a set of Nubar green polishes.  I love their sets, they are a wonderful value for any polish junkie.  They usually have a top coat and base as well, so you can start up any newbie as well.
Outside the holo really shines, and I have to say it is one of the more dangerous polishes to wear when driving.  I catch myself staring at it on a regular basis.  Just too darn pretty for it's own good.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Ray-diant Illusion

I ended up with the entire collection of China Glaze duochrome glitter polishes, although I can't say they are my favourite.  They apply semi-sheer and dry pretty slow.  The main issue I have with these polishes is that they are too similar in shade.  Unless you are wearing them together you really can't tell the difference between the subtle colors.  Here I have China Glaze Optical Illusion and Ray-diant, and to be perfectly honest, I couldn't tell you which one is the main color and which is the accent.
The polishes are pretty, and I will definitely get some use out of them, but I can't say that they are on my "must track down" list.
Outside you can see the color shift a little more, but I really need a much stronger duochrome to keep my interest.  I guess I'm getting more picky as my stash grows, but these just didn't WOW me.